Versand und Lieferung

Rahmenbedingungen und Richtlinien

Wir versenden unsere Produkte mit unserem Logistikpartnern DHL und Deutsche Post. Innerhalb der EU ist die Lieferung kostenfrei.

Unser Partner: Deutsche post und dhl

Wir verschicken alle unsere Produkte aus Deutschland und liefern NUR in folgende Länder (siehe unten). Die dort angegebenen Laufzeiten sind Richtwerte, die wir von unseren Logistikpartnern erhalten haben. In der Regel werden diese eingehalten, allerdings können wir keinerlei Garantie hierfür übernehmen. Wir können die Lieferung nicht als Geschenk deklarieren oder einen anderen Wert angeben.

Länder und die voraussichtliche Lieferzeit

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's

Which countries are delivered to?

We deliver in Germany and the EU countries

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is free.

This is the usual and common statement.

The more honest statement would be to say that shipping costs are included in the price. So it's just a representation and simplification thing.

And of course it sounds good to write “Free Shipping”.

How long does delivery take?

The following factors have an influence on the delivery time:
- When was the order placed?
- Which country is delivered to?
- What was ordered?

We ship your order from our German warehouse. When demand is high, we can use international locations to ensure fast shipping.

Therefore the shipping time is:
- Germany 2-3 working days (for international delivery 5-15 working days)
- e.g. Austria 2-3 working days (for international delivery 5-15 working days)
- e.g. Switzerland similar to DE 2-3 working days (for international delivery 5-15 working days)
- or e.g. Danmark like DE 5-10 working days (for international delivery 5-15 working days)

When will my order be shipped?

Your order will be shipped to you in just 24 hours

Which shipping service providers will my package be sent with?

We ship with our logistics partners DHL and Deutsche Post

The order has not yet been delivered, the delivery time has passed. What can I do?

If your shipment is taking too long, please contact us and we will offer you a solution immediately. Contact

Where can I find my tracking number?

You will automatically receive the tracking number by email 1-3 working days after your order.

What do I do if my item was damaged in shipping?

Check the goods for integrity – ideally in the presence of our logistics partner. We know that the fast-moving logistics business often does not allow this and we also accept later reports.

If the product is damaged, you should report this to us within 14 days of delivery of the package.

In this case, send us an email with your order number and photos of the damaged product

Just write to us:

Or visit our returns and refunds in the customer service area: here

Can I subsequently change the delivery address for an order that has already been confirmed?

We try to process your order as quickly as possible so that you receive your product as quickly as possible, so please understand that a change is no longer possible.

Exceptions confirm the rule, please contact us and we will check whether we can still make a change.